
Tips and tricks for puppies

Written by Sabrina | Apr 26, 2024 6:13:17 AM

A puppy entering its new home marks the beginning of a wonderful journey for its new family. However, along with the joy of the new four-legged companion comes responsibility and preparations to ensure that the puppy feels comfortable and safe.

  1. Before the arrival of the young dog, it's important to puppy-proof the home. Electrical cables, toxic plants, and other potential hazards should be removed or shielded to protect the curious explorer. Puppy pens or safety gates can help secure certain areas and create a relaxed environment for the puppy.

  2. Regular walks and social interactions with other dogs are essential for the puppy's development. A safe and comfortable collar or harness is indispensable for safely guiding the puppy. It's also important to pack enough poop bags for walks.
  3. To ensure that the puppy grows into a healthy and happy dog, sufficient sleep is crucial. A cozy retreat with a comfortable dog bed provides puppies with the necessary rest and security to recharge their energy for new adventures. The location should be protected from drafts, as they can quickly cause the little dog to catch a cold.
  4. Safety during transport: Ensure that your customers transport their pets safely in cars, trains, or buses. A travel crate, non-slip mat, or safety harness are recommended to prevent injuries during journeys. Offer your customers suitable products that ensure safe transportation.

  5. In addition, puppies should be kept busy with suitable toys to promote their natural play instinct and mentally and physically stimulate them.

  6. Appropriate food: Young dogs need tailored food that provides them with essential nutrients to grow into healthy dogs. During training, rewards of appropriate consistency should be used because the jaws of young dogs are not yet fully developed.

  7. In addition to suitable food, growing dogs need appropriate bowls for water and food. A bowl mat can provide more tidiness during meals.

  8. Grooming tools: Active little puppies like to explore their environment. It can quickly happen that their attention is drawn to mud or other contaminants. If this happens, it is advisable to have suitable puppy shampoo, which is perfectly tailored to the sensitive skin of the puppies, on hand. With grooming brushes, you offer the animals a pleasant massage and stimulate circulation at the same time.

  9. Young dogs have not yet fully mastered their bladder – if an accident happens, effective textile fresheners can eliminate unpleasant odors.

  10. ID tags: Robust ID tags accompany every adventurous animal and enable quick identification, especially when it leaves its territory. For this purpose, the tags can be engraved with just a few steps and simplify everyday life, especially for young dog owners.

    With the right preparation and equipment, you can offer the new family member a loving and secure start. We are here to ensure that your customers and their puppies can grow together.

Discover great items for puppies in our online shop now!